Friday, June 06, 2008

WHY GOD CREATED YOUTUBE™: Beamz Promotional Video

Dartanjal stays on top of things by providing us with an update on the Beamz Music Performance System he headsed-up to us a little while ago. According to this blog post, Beamz is now being sold on their own website rather than through Sharper Image, so if you want to act like the doofae in the above video, you'd better head over there to get one. Now YOU TOO can PLAY THE LIGHT® with more cowbell! If you're a caucasian male, you'll definitely want to pick up one of these puppies. Hell, even asian chicks can sound halfway decent on it too! Jesus H. Christ on a crutch.

The blog also provides a link to a parody video, but really, do you need a parody of this? It pretty much already is parody.

Truly, this is why God created YouTube.


Blogger Psychictoad said...

I like the watching baldy with the headphones around his neck. What is he recording this in his studio now? Just about ready to drop that first album filled with delicious 1990s midi ring tones?

10:20 AM  

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