ADVENTURES IN THE DESIGN WORLD™: The Nearly Error-Free Digital Billboard Kiosk
On the first leg of a lengthy road trip last week, Anonymous A and I stopped by the Des Plaines Oasis in the hopes of getting some gas (Mobil), securing some cafffeine (Starbucks), doing some banking (Fifth Third Bank ATM), and of course acquiring a ginormous bucket of Chicken McNuggets® with which to improve our rental car's bouquet (McDonald's).
What we didn't expect to find was the amazing new digital billboard kiosk (pictured above) which dutifully kept flashing various advertisements for the many services the Oasis had to offer along with ads for local small businesses -- even though the server it was connected to was clearly having some difficulty. What an effective piece of advertising collateral! I know for a fact whenever I see a sign that says "Free Wi-Fi Here" with a big-ass Windows error message plastered on top of it, the first thing I want to do is whip out my laptop and see what kind of virus I can get. Choice!
I'll be honest - I couldn't find the Windowze™ error message in the picture at first; that didn't happen until I tried to figure out why the WiFi logo had that almost-PC-looking thing coming down from the antenna.
But really, was this, in fact, an error? I wonder. I can well imagine an explanation like, "Well, we wanted to offer WiFi for free, but we couldn't find a way to recoup all of our Microshaft™ charges. So, if you look carefully, you can see that the error message covers the R in FREE: and indeed, we find that we do have to charge a FEE."
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