Friday, December 15, 2006

WHY GOD CREATED YOUTUBE™: Bottom Of Barrel, Meet Scraping Implement

Okay, it's been a slow news week, I've been busy with other crap, and for the life of me I can't come up with anything useful or even remotely humorous to write about. So it's come to this: a Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan clip mashed up with a crank call by The Jerky Boys. It almost made me crack a smile when I first encountered it while in a morphine-induced delirium last week, and I figured I'd save it for a day down the road when I was really really desperate for content. Well, that day has come, my friends. Feel free to pelt me with rocks and garbage if you see me today, because this is the best you're gonna outta me.

Truly, this is not why God created YouTube.™


Blogger e said...

It's really well done, actually, particularly the facial expressions. I smiled through the whole thing, and laughed aloud at least once. But then I am less sophisticated than you...

1:43 PM  
Blogger e said...

It's really well done, actually, particularly the facial expressions. I smiled through the whole thing, and laughed aloud at least once. But then, I am so very unsophisticated...

1:55 PM  

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